Script: AR市長

(Taichung, the Most Gorgeous AR City in the World)

Lin Jialong:
Greetings to you, my friend. I am Dragon Lin, Mayor of Taizhong City. Welcome to the most beautiful AR City in the world. AR? What is AR? In case you ask: AR means Augmented Reality. To be concise, Augmented Reality is a mixture of virtual and real objects. For example, I am a virtual object, an avatar for Mayor Lin, while the city hall behind me is real. We have a long array of beautiful AR works, installed in every corner of the city, awaiting you to explore them with your smart phone. That said, you are encouraged to get into our city hall to start your exploration.

剛才我們的市長說,台中是全世界最美麗的 A  R 城市,因為台中市到處都有 A R 作品,拿起智慧手機,你就可以看到這個虛擬城市。A  R 是擴增實境的英文簡稱,簡單說,它是一種虛擬和真實物件的混合體。眼前你所看到的市長和我都是虛擬物件,在我們背後的市政大廳則是真實物件。不多說了,此刻就請你進入市府,開始探索台中。謝謝,再見。


歐豪年 虬龍




    石碑所書「志於道,據於德,依於仁,游於藝」四句,出自《論語‧述而篇 》,是孔子闡述進德修業的方法,可以視為儒學思想之總綱。簡要來說,孔子主張求學貴在立定志向,衷心嚮往人生的正道,堅定據守本心的德性,始終不違仁道的情懷,心神優游於各項技藝的領域。其中,道、德是內在的哲學思想,仁、藝是外在的行為準則與知識技能。



Script: 航向幸福/Sailing to Happiness

**Girl: The folks up there all look happy.

--Squirrel: Yap, I agree. The credit plate by the side shows that [ , ] the title of the sculpture is “Sailing to Happiness.”

**There are five people aboard, four looking upwards [ , ] and one looking downwards.

--The one looking downwards is a boy. Why do you think he is looking downwards?

**Maybe he is looking at a dolphin swimming by [ , ] while the other four are looking at seagulls flying by.

--That is a good guess. Or maybe he is looking at light dancing across the surface of the sea, while the other four are looking at clouds playing in the sky.

**Wow, great imagination. Wait a minute.
**Or, maybe, we were wrong. He was just born a hunchback.
**That’s why he looks downwards all the time.

--Yap, it’s very likely . . .

Script: 育/Education

*Announcer: Boys and Girls. The sculpture before you is titled “Education.” Why education? To make it clear to you, we put together a skit, presented by ducks living nearby. Enjoy it.

--Ducky Duck: Ai ya ya. . . . I don’t wanna go back to the classroom. I don’t like math. I don’t like English. I just wanna hang out here, enjoying the sunshine, and the water in the pond.

++Yellow Duck: So, you are here, Ducky Duck. Teacher is asking for you. She sent me here to get you. What are you up to here?

--Can’t you see I’m having fun in the sun? Go tell Teacher I’m not going back to the classroom. I don’t like school. I don’t wanna learn. I just wanna play all day.

++OK. You can play all day, doing nothing. But, in the middle of your play, you’ll get hungry, right? Where is your meal?

--My Mom will cook for me.

++But your Mom will get old and die someday. After that, who gonna cook for you?

--Well, I’ll be old enough then and I’ll cook for myself.

++You will cook for yourself. But what to cook? First of all, you need to do grocery shopping. The problem is: who gonna give you money to do so?

--. . . . . .Well, well, I don’t know.

++Good for you that you don’t know. The answer is in the classroom. Classroom. Get it? Classroom means education. Now, let’s go see our teacher.

--After you.


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